Wednesday, September 29, 2010

There goes my baby:(

**DISCLAIMER- Please refrain from judging me in regards to Koa's shirt. I'm was raised in a proper household to loath the Raider's....however my husband was not. He <3's them with every fiber in his being. So judge him.....Okay...commence with the post. Thank you for your attention**

Guess who's little baby man started preschool this month? That's right...the same person who turned the big 33. I know this post is suppose to be about Koa starting preschool but let's face it, I'm selfish and like to complain about getting older. It's just who I am. A negative asshole. Always have been...always will be. But at least I'm able to mask it with inappropriate and sometimes uncomfortable sarcasm and humor! CHEERS! I will post a detailed post later regarding all the things that are so so wrong about turning 33 at a later date so don't worry....your saved for today:) Anyway, Koa started preschool this month and this Momma was not happy. I know it's JUST PRESCHOOL BLAH BLAH BLAH but this is my baby. My Budders. My Koaster Moaster, Hunka Hunka Baby Man, Boogs, Boogies, and last but not Fella. Yes, he answers to ALL these! So my answer to preschool was to put him in a Co-op. This way I can still maintain my freakishly controlling ways and spy on him one day a week. It's very healthy I promise. It also marks my way to not having ANY kids at home during the day. SOOOOOO WEIRD! I swear it was only a while ago that I had like a million kids in diapers and now I'm sending the last one off to school. :( he is. At school. Being the handsomest preschooler ever known to mankind.

Start the morning with a good breakfast kids!

His little school is so freakin cute!

First in line....what an overachiever. We are going to have to fix that. Can't have him getting beat up his first day of preschool for being a kissass!

HA! This was him getting P.I.S.S.E.D. for taking too many pictures. GET USE TO IT KID! You have too many years left in my legal care, control and custody and yes....there will be pictures:P

All in all....a perfect first day of school! :)

Friday, September 10, 2010


In a perfect world full of rainbows and gummy bears, mostly red one's because they are my FAVE, I would be the kind of mom who would be sad to see the summer come to an end and have to send my kids to the machine they call "SCHOOL" for 6 hours a day. Well my friends, the world isn't perfect. You always get WAY more green gummy bears in your bag than red one's and that just isn't right. IT DOESN'T MAKE SENSE! No one likes the green ones anyway! Okay, reigning it in. Back on track. So, as I was saying. I'm not that mom. I was more than happy to see the little tykes off to school on Wednesday morning. We DID have a great summer and I enjoyed them being home and not sticking to a schedule but it just seemed like the last week they all were possessed by little demonic leprechauns! Fighting, screaming, riots, was a hot mess the last week! In Whitehill tradition I now present to you "BACK 2 SCHOOL PICS version 20.10!

Here is the beautiful Nene sporting a Huskies shirt (which you can't see...SORRY IT WAS EAAAARLY!). The day before we had attended her orientation for her new project based school, where they call their teacher's by their first names but we are not going there today, and her classroom looked like a WSU cougar had vomited all over the room. I'm not even kidding. It was like being in a bad dream. Sorry Cougar fans. HUSKIES RIDE OR DIE YO! So I found it funny that with all the new clothes that Nene had she chose this one. If this doesn't say anything about her personality I don't know what does. Now maybe you people will feel my pain as I discuss the adventures of raising a certain raging hormone filled 12 year old.

I now present to you the Bubs. I love this kid. Aside from his spastic personality he pretty much does whatever I tell him to do. Including taking his picture early in the morning. Including telling him not to smile like that. Including telling him to not smile like that either. LOVE HIM! I hope he has a great year this year!

Let's have a quick discussion about back to school clothes, shall we? In my attempt to spend more time with my kiddo's one on one I took them back to school shopping separately. An adventure I don't know will be continued next year. This child, pictured above, was taken to 10 different stores, and HATED EVERYTHING. Gymboree- negative. The Children's Place- double negative. Crazy8- NEIN! And the list just went on. We finally ended up at Kohl's were she fell in love with two of the most hideous outfits known to mankind. I'm not even kidding. One involves a built in necklace. Yes, built in. But after 7 hours I didn't care. I whipped out the plastic and they were all her's. YOUR WELCOME:)

And last but not least...we have Boogs. I also present to you, FEATHER. Boogs begged and pleaded with my mom in the store to buy this little puppy for my brother for his birthday. He insisted that my brother needed it and would love it for his birthday. Of course Nana gave in and as soon as they were out of the store Boogie ripped off the tags and claimed Feather as his own telling her it was all a trick! Manipulative at 4 years old. We are in trouble. Boogs doesn't start pre-k until next week so you all will be punished with pictures next week too.

Sometimes on very rare occasions I like to pretend that I'm a good mother. And on the first day of school one of those occasions presented itself. I present to you.....BACK TO SCHOOL BREAKFAST. Last year it was homemade cinnamon rolls and I realized that sending the kids to school on the first day all hopped up on sugar was not very smart. So here is what they lovingly call.....Breakfast Pizza.

Recipe courtesy of This woman has been the reason for my 10 pound weight gain over the summer but yet I keep coming back to her like a battered housewife. SHE'S THAT GOOD! Between her and Paula Deen it's over for me. Okay, that is all for today. Hope everyone has a GREAT WEEKEND! SMW has drill this weekend leaving to fend for myself with the kiddo's so WISH ME LUCK!!!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Why hello there!

Holy mother of neglected blogs! I know I KNOW...I'm a giant loser. It seems like after SMW came home everything stopped. Well, except my waistline. That bitch just keeps getting bigger and BIGGER and no, it has nothing to do with the countless pints of Haagan Daz coffee ice cream I've had. That's been my coping mechanism for a little thing I like to call "LIFE". And from what I've heard, it doesn't contain ANY calories. The ice cream I mean. Life on the other hand has a TON OF CALORIES! I suggest you only partake in small doses. OKAY, starting to ramble. So here's the deal. Too much to mention since I haven't updated this baby in almost a year so here's the highlights people.

~ SMW came home 90 days early from the stupidest place on earth to join us for Christmas. YES I KNOW ITS BEEN AWHILE SINCE POSTING ....I GET IT!!!!
~ Put the kids back into the jungle of public schools. It's a loooooooooooooooooooooog story that I would rather not get into but it involved, you got it, coffee ice cream.
~ Cheerleading has now taken over our very existence. I mean it. TAKEN. OVER. OUR. LIVES. We now eat, breath and sleep THE BLACK ORANGE AND BLUE. Because....they are THE BEST OF THE BEST and will ROCK YOU! Sorry, couldn't help it. MOVING ON.
~ SMW took a new job that isn't Army related and even though he feels like a caged rat on crack everyday in his new "office" it's waaaaaay more money and maybe one if these days he will get to actually buy one of the many toys he looks at daily. DAILY. I've actually threatened to buy him a shirt that read "Craigslist Whore" but it backfired when he said he would wear it with pride. Oh well.

That's pretty much it. Sad I know. But it's hard work trying to think of all the things that have happened in the last 11 months and frankly, I don't like hard work. So I will end on this note. Wait...must back up. It was requested by my dear sweet husband, SMW, that I continue this blog. He told me that he enjoyed reading it while he was deployed and missed my "sense of humor" if that's what you want to call it! LOL. So I am partially restarting because of him, and the fact that he doesn't usually read ANYTHING, and also as a way to remember all the things that happen throughout the year. Because let's face it, I'm getting old. Staring down the barrel of my big TROIS TROIS in a few weeks and my memory is going bad. So this way at the end of the year I can evaluate all the things I would have done differently and ways I could have been a better mother/wife/friend all whilst eating a pint of Haagan Daz coffee ice cream. CHEERIO!!